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There are a lot of news headlines that can lead us to feeling bleak these days, but I am optimistic and know that it is not too late to change our future.  We are beginning to see a movement underfoot to regain some of our conservative values like family and small government.  Thank you for considering a financial contribution and joining us in this movement!  One of my big campaign concerns is how our government currently spends our tax money.  With the Maine Clean Elections Act, tax payers are funding campaigns, whether they are sympathetic to the candidate or not.  I can't personally justify this for my campaign, so I am depending solely on liked-minded people to make donations.  If this is you, THANK YOU!  If you know of someone who might fit this category, please help spread the word!  

Thank you!


Maine law requires donors to provide their name, address, occupation and employer when making a donation of $50 or more. There is a limit of $1950 per person for the primaries and the same amount for the general election, and businesses are not able to donate.

It is because of these regulations that we have this information for all donors on our site.  If you are giving less than $10 and want to remain anonymous, email us and we can make it happen.  

Thank you again for helping us make Maine's future brighter!  Together, we can make a difference!


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Robert Wessels for Governor
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