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Voter Information

Have you ever had that amazing feeling on election night, or more likely, the morning after a big election and you find that the candidates that you voted for WON!?  

It's incredible to be able to play a role in making a difference! ...but to have this opportunity, you need to be registered to vote!   The good news is that in the State of Maine you can register in person even as late as election day, so it isn't too late!  Check out this fun video from former Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap ( for details on how to register to vote in Maine. 

We have also included some links to a 3rd party site ( that can tell you if you are registered or not and you can register through them if you just want to get it done conveniently from home!  And lastly, if you won't be in town the day of voting, you can request an absentee ballot below.  

Happy Voting!


Robert Wessels for Governor
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