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Robert's views on some of the issues...

Our current government is sliding quickly towards socialism, using government overreach to slowly erode our freedoms and rights as Mainers. This can be seen in the handling of Covid with lockdowns. This can be seen with their removal of religious and philosophical exemptions from any vaccination requirements in Maine, and now they're attempting to force Mainers to buy electric vehicles by mandating that any new car sold in the state must be an EV in the years to come.

This type of Government overreach is not acceptable and is not what our founding fathers envisioned.

You will find that my approach to the issues is to reduce the size of the government, while making common sense common again.  The government should be here FOR the people, not the other way around.  We need a government that consistently makes decisions that are "people first."  

Although it is impossible to write about every issue out there, on this page you will find my opinion on some of the issues that have come up while I have been out talking with Mainers around the state.  If you have a particular issue you would like to hear my opinion on, feel free to reach out to me.  I would love to hear from you.

Education Reform

While Maine is blessed with many incredible teachers, our educational system needs to be fixed.  Most of our current teachers in the state are working and taking a lower salary than they could make outside of teaching, and they do that because their heart is to invest in the next generation.  They want to see our children grow up to be successful, functioning adults, playing an active beneficial role in society.  Our current educational system is failing both the teachers and the students.  Read More

Taxes and Spending

Maine has a tax issue.  At the current moment, by several reviews, Maine is the 3rd highest taxed state in the country.  This has been done by choice and can be undone if we choose to.  We need to make an intentional decision and a concerted effort to turn this around and bring relief to us, the Maine people. Read More

Mandate Forcing Electric Vehicles on Mainers

The DEP is currently considering a "minor policy change" that would force new car dealers in Maine to only buy electric vehicles (EV's) from the manufacturers.  Here is my view on this requirement, and I would love to have you reach out to me to share your view too! (click to read more)

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School Choice?

In my personal life and as a leader, I believe wholeheartedly in allowing natural results to hold myself accountable and direct my future decisions.  For example, I recently drove my camper (very slowly) under an area that I thought could possibly be too short…it was, and it damaged my camper (only very slightly).  I will use these natural consequences to make a better decision in the future and won’t make the stupid mistake again! 

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Energy in Maine

No matter your political views or what part of Maine you live in, we are all feeling the impacts of the cost of the energy we use.  Not only do we feel those impacts directly when we pay our monthly electric bill, but the cost of electricity is built into the price of the products/services that we purchase on a daily basis.  So it is likely that energy costs are important to all of us.  (click to read more)

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Response to mass shooting in Lewiston, Maine

Senseless tragedies like the mass shooting in Lewiston will always cause us to reflect. We’ll reflect on our lives, our jobs and those that we love. Hopefully we allow that reflection to help make us better people. The knee-jerk response to an illegal act should not be to remove the rights of the law-abiding citizens. (click to read more)  
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As the campaign grows, you will inevitably hear people say that I don’t love transgender people.  This could not be further from the truth.  Whether you are a man that thinks you should be a woman, or vice-versa…wherever you are, you are a human that is loved by God and I am called to love ALL people too.  But what does “love” look like??

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Robert Wessels for Governor
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