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As the campaign grows, you will inevitably hear people say that I don’t love transgender people.  This could not be further from the truth.  Whether you are a man that thinks you should be a woman, or vice-versa…wherever you are, you are a human that is loved by God and I am called to love ALL people too.  But what does “love” look like??

As an adult and specifically as a parent, I try to always hold to a long-term perspective in life. Short term, the emotion of love might prompt someone to let a child pursue a transgender life if it seems that is what they want.   As an adult with a long-term perspective, I understand that this is a life-long, life-altering decision.  Pursuing this will have ramifications well beyond the child’s immediate intent.  This includes anything as simple as a permanent voice change, to the far more serious permanent damage to fertility and child-bearing capacity as well as potential life-long medical issues.  These are not decisions that someone should be allowed to make during their childhood/teenage years. The vast majority of our children/teens that we protect from making this life-altering decision as a minor, will thank us later.  This won’t be popular now, but LOVE doesn’t aim for popularity, love strives to do what is right for the long-term betterment of the other individual.  There are millions of decisions like this today (ie-not allowing our children to play in the busy street when cars are coming, smoking, gambling and drinking alcohol).  Decisions that have a life-long impact are decisions that only adults should make.

Now, science being science (Biology is still a science, right?), I believe there are only 2 genders (male & female) and I don’t believe a person can change it.  It is what it is and that isn’t something we as humans can change.  But if an adult wants to change how they appear to everyone, that is a decision they should be free to make.  (I am 100% against the government paying for any of these elective surgeries). They can do their research and inform themselves about what they are getting into. 

If an adult decides to make that choice, they still should not be allowed in ladies personal spaces, like locker rooms and ladies restrooms.  We need to stand up for and protect our women.

My view is only considered outlandish and unreasonable (and unloving) by some because it is contrary to someone’s powerful agenda.  We need someone to stand up and be the adult in the room about this issue, and I am willing to do that.

Robert Wessels for Governor
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